Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is an evidence-based treatment, delivered over 12 sessions, for reducing or eliminating symptoms caused by traumatic experiences. This therapy is considered to be one of the most effective treatment modalities for trauma and is recommended as a first line treatment by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the American Psychological Association. CPT uses cognitive behavioral principles to teach participants strategies for challenging and modifying unhelpful beliefs related to trauma. This allows the participant to develop new ways of understanding and conceptualizing the event and reduces ongoing negative effects related to trauma.
Trauma causes people to think differently about themselves and their environment, which leads to negative emotions (i.e. fear, anxiety, guilt, anger) that can halt the natural recovery process. Post traumatic symptoms stem from conflict between beliefs about the self and the world held prior to experience a traumatic event and beliefs stemming post-traumatic information. The conflicts are called stuck points, and they result in the maintenance of post-traumatic distress. Towards the end of treatment, specific challenges related to safety, trust, power and control, esteem, and intimacy are addressed. The focus of therapy is to develop skills that can be applied now and in the future. Many of our therapists are trained and experienced in delivering CPT and are eager to assist you in moving past your stuck points and back into your life.